Christmas Recycling Tips
Our Ten Tips For Recycling This Christmas 🎅 In the majority of cases, wrapping paper can go in your recycling bins (check local information to confirm) 🎅 recycling wrapping paper,…
Seasonal Bin Times and More
All the relevant Christmas and New Year bin collection times across Norfolk. But first, a cautionary tale, of sorts. You hear the screech of the the dustbin lorry as it…
Walk to Barton Broad Boardwalk
Barton Broad is the second largest of the Norfolk Broads, is managed by Norfolk Wildlife Trust. It is connected and navigated with other broads by the River Ant, and is…
Yarmouth to Reedham along the Wherryman’s Way
There is a good reason why I take a few weeks before writing about a long walk. If I wrote about it straight away I might write go into graphic…
Summer Fun at Fairhaven Woodland and Water Garden
Head to Fairhaven Woodland and Water Garden this summer, explore the garden and enjoy the popular Great Bear Hunt with additional Teddy Bears’ Picnic, plus the Tree-Mendous trail, Den Building,…
Fairhaven Garden Black Headed Gull Colony Enjoys Nesting on Rafts
The black headed gull colony at Fairhaven Woodland and Water Garden is having a successful breeding season nesting on wooden rafts on the garden’s private broad. Trevor ‘Tabs’ Taberham volunteer…
Fairhaven Garden New Mobility Scooter for Volunteer Wildlife Warden
Trevor ‘Tabs’ Taberham (80), volunteer Wildlife Warden at Fairhaven Woodland and Water Garden, South Walsham has had his access throughout the garden greatly improved by the garden’s acquisition of a…
Keith Simpson MP Opens New Fairhaven Garden Floating Viewing Platform
Keith Simpson MP for Broadland visited Fairhaven Woodland and Water Garden today, to officially open the new floating viewing platform, overlooking the garden’s private broad. The platform was designed and…
Final Photo Look-back… for now
Somewhat delayed since our previous photographic retrospective, this is our last look-back on some of our favourite photos taken around Norfolk over the past few years. The feature photo and…
Our photo look-back continues -part 6
Here’s Part 6 of our photographic look-back at some of our favourite photos. If you’ve not read it already then you should also check out part 5 for more great photos.…
Interview with Tennis Star Alfie Hewett
Ah, the English Summer. Full of so much promise; a few glorious days of sunshine followed by even more days of skin-soaking torrential downpours. Must be time for Wimbledon! The…
Norfolk’s heritage venues prepare to open their doors for this year’s Heritage Open Days
This year’s Heritage Open Days has arrived. This national, annual event offers visitors a rare opportunity to delve into Norfolk’s fascinating and sometimes hidden heritage for free. The festival kicks off on…