Pleasurewood Hills

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I’ve lived in Norfolk for most of my life and during that time I have never previously been to Pleasurewood Hills. I know, it’s pretty bad form on my part but now the kids are old enough to ride most things I decided it was time to pay them a visit.

Pleasurewood Hills - Woody Bear!

Parent’s review

What Mickey Mouse is to Disney, Woody Bear is to Pleasurewood Hills. The big guy was there to greet us as we queued to enter the theme park and happily posed for pictures with kids to keep them occupied.

It was a bit of a dull late summer day, but that didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of the large number of fellow thrill-seekers at the park. With a busy day expected, we headed around to Enigma to try and get on ‘early-doors’, however, due to technical problems the ride wasn’t operational at the time. It was working later in the day but by the we found out it was close to closing time.

Nevermind. There was plenty to do and we quickly found ourselves going green around the gills on the Pirate Ship! This was closely followed by another sea-themed ride with Moby Dick, a new kids ride for 2013 (more about that on the kids review.)

Ok. We’re on a roll now. What’s next?

Well, we wandered over towards a re-themed thrill-ride that recently reopened; HoBs PiT (no, for once that’s not my dodgy typing, that;s how it”s written!). This one is advertised as not for the faint-hearted; Sadly we can’t confirm or deny this due to multiple excuses a)It was very busy and the queue was already long b)We had young kids with us who could not ride c)I’m too wimpy to ride this on my own d) we were still feeling a bit green from the sea-themed rides!!! Okay, total wimp out, but I promise we’ll ride it in the future. Besides, we had loads more to do, so we pressed on towards Wave Breaker and the rides around that area of the park.

Wave Breaker is a hairy slide ride on a rubber ring, resulting in a bit of wettness caused by the spray kicked up on splashdown, plus an eyes-closed photo opportunity. Well, mine were closed! My 5 year old son claims his weren’t but I can’t recall.

What I didn’t realise before arriving at Pleasurewood Hills is there are over 30 rides/attractions in the park. That’s enough to keep you going all day! In fact, despite being in Pleasurewood Hills from 10am to 4pm (Sunday opening times) there was quite a few things we didn’t quite get time for, including watching Sean Alexander’s show, riding the pedalos, the laser labyrinth and a few more. So, we’ll have to go back for more!

Pleasurewood Hills - Wipeout

Kids Review

OK- this kids’ review is a bit different to previous ones as they both wanted to talk about it at the same time, so I’ve strung together the pertinent and coherent views into a series of Questions and Answers.

What was your favourite ride?
5-year old:-The whale boat ride, because it made me laugh! (It did). I went on three times (He did).
9 year old:- Snake in the Grass! Next question!

What did you enjoy the most about Pleasurewood Hills?
Together:- Sealion show (minor meleé ensues about who answered first…)
9 year old:- They were brilliant, and very funny too. Not sure how the man in the stripey jumper got ot jump that high. Maybe he used some treats (er, fish), perhaps a carrot on a stick (er, fish. on a stick?) or something similar. And then when they’re jumping out of the water to nut the ball have they ever misjudged it (I dunno!) and landed on the audience? I should’ve asked the man, and then I could’ve said there’s something fishy here! (cue fits of hysterics at his own humour….)

Do you think Mummy and Daddy should’ve gone in HoBs PiT?
5 year-old:- Not Mummy, because I won’t want her to get scared, but Dad should. He would probably scare the monsters (oh, ta very much!), or could talk to them and make them less scary because he’s good like that.
9 year old:- Yeah, both of them. Next!

How cool were the Sealions?
9 year old:- They get my seal of approval! (not bad joke by his standards!)
5 year old:- They stink of fish, but, well can we get one? I won’t ask for a dog if I can have a Sealion. Or a seal?

What ride would you have liked to go on that (for one reason or another) we couldn’t?
5 year old:- The submarine thing (he means the Pedalos, which had a yellow submarine prop on the side of the lake.)
9 year old:- Engima. I think. As long as it doesn’t go upside down (not to my knowledge, but Wipeout does) as I don’t want to (he’s gone upside down before and loved it). I quite liked the look of the spinny thingy (Wizzy Dizzy) too, though I wouldn’t want to go on if anyone has just eaten lunch……

Pleasurewood Hills - various kids rides

Field Notes

If it’s busy take stock before setting off around the park and work out a strategy that will help you get the best out of your day (e.g. head to your preferred ride straight away, go left when everyone else goes right, go to the back of the park first etc)

Taking an early lunch can help you avoid the lunchtime restaurant queues.

The Sealion show can get quite busy – if you roll up just as the show is about to start you may find your choice of seating limited.

On wet days it’s good idea to bring waterproof jackets or buy cheap ponchos.

Duration of visit:  approx 6 hours

Pleasurewood Hills - Sealions


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