Dinosaur Adventure update – Dinomite & more!

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On our last visit to Dinosaur Adventure we didn’t take too many pictures of the attractions (without our kids in the way!) so on our latest visit we made sure we got some good pictures to show you what a great place this is for families in Norfolk to visit.

We were particularly keen to snap Dinomite, the indoor adventure play centre that Dinosaur Adventure opened earlier in 2011, as we think this is a superb addition to Dinosaur Adventure.

Dinomite - ballpit slide

Dinomite at Dinosaur Adventure

To be honest, we don’t think the photos do it justice because the size of Dinosaur Adventure’s Dinomite is hard to fit in on a couple of pictures but hopefully you get the idea. The great thing about Dinomite is it is bult so that if adults feel like having a go to encourage their kiddies to try the slides then they can do so! So, perch yourself on the edge of the the big red slide and somehow muster the courage to go for it because it is a thrill!

So, on to the rest of the park, starting with the outdoor play area. Pictured below is just a small part of the outdoor play area. You can see that some work is going on. The orange fencing stops visitors getting near a hole where some cables can be seen – not sure if it is something to do with the “Primevil” halloween event at Dinosaur Adventure, but the white tent in the background certainly is.

Outdoor play area at Dinosaur Adventure

Here’s a couple of Triceratops on the loose. Could be a bit confusing for fans of “Harry and his bucketful of dinosaurs” as there’s only one Triceratops (Trike) in those books/cartoons!

Dinosaur Adventure - triceratops

Another confusing one for “Harry and his buckerful of dinosaur” fans – Dinosaur Adventure has two Stegosaurus (Steggie).

Dinosaur Adventure - Stegosaurus

Fancy a cup of tea or an ice-cream? It’s nice to sit outside the Gardener’s Cottage, located near the Secret Animal Garden, especially on a sunny day. If someone has misbehaved then there are some stocks nearby to lock them in while you indulge! (just kidding, but the stocks do exist.)

Garden Cottage at Dinosaur Adventure

On the Neanderthal Walk (which takes you back towards the outdoor play, dinomite, golf and go-karts) my 7 year-old decided he wanted to take some pictures. Normally his pictures are either his fingers or feet, but with a little guidance he snapped this one of a Neanderthal camp, with Mammoth and Sabre-Toothed Tiger!

Dinosaur Adventure -Neanderthals

There are loads more of pictures we could use but that should be enough to whet the appetite.

Want to find out more about Dinosaur Adventure so you can arrange a great family day out in Norfolk? Read our previous review.

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