Africa Alive

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Lions, Rhinos, Cheetahs and more, Africa Alive really can boast that it brings a touch of Africa to the North Suffolk coast.

As well as observing the great collection of animals, there are plenty of other activities to keep families busy, including the “Wild Zone” indoor play area for kids.

Africa Alive - Cheetah
Kid’s view
7 Year old:- In the Wild Zone we filled up the ball net with thousands and thousands (erm, like all kids he’s prone to exaggeration!) of balls and then they all came down on our heads! My favourite animals were the Lion and the Cheetah. They were both cool. It would be even cooler if Darth Maul chopped them and stuck them back together and made Liah and a Cheeton – they would be awesome! (he’s got a Star Wars fixation too!)

3 Year old:-   Why can’t I cuddle the baby Cheetahs? I want one when I’m big. If I was big I would be as tall as a Giraffe -that would be funny! I liked the inside play (Wild Zone) the bestest so I can throw balls at Dad with the cannon and make the pig poo a ball! (Visit Africa Alive to find out what he’s on about!)

Africa Alive - Wild Zone indoor play

Parent’s View
We went on a chilly day in early November, and this led us to think it would not be too busy. We were right! So, we could take our time wandering around, not having to pre-plan when to eat or calculate how early to arrive to see the Lions and Cheetahs being fed.

Unfortunately it was so cold a few of the less hardy animals decided to stay in the warmth. At times I was a bit jealous of them all snuggled up in their straw beds! Even at this time of year there was plenty of young animals to see. For example, we saw some 3 month old Cheetah cubs, and a couple of little Yellow Mongoose.

The cold weather also allowed us to see the Rhino’s up close. Often they’re outside having a good old roam in the “Plains of Africa”, so it is hard to judge how big they are. So, when they’re in the paddock you can see them up close -they’re huge!!!

Africa Alive - Red Bellied Lemur

Field Notes
Most of the non-animal attractions (Wild Zone” Indoor play area, Outdoor Playground, Discovery Centre, Mini-Golf) at Africa Alive are all close together near the entrance, so you may want to factor this in when visiting with kids. For example, you may choose to do all this straight away, at the end of the day, or split it up. Also, bear in mind The Wild Zone will be very busy throughout the day at peak times.

Kids – don’t forget to stamp your books around the park in order to collect your prize (normally a medal).

Going in late Autumn/Winter means Africa Alive will probably be less busy. As a result this might mean that one or two things may not be as frequent or possibly closed. This can be the case with inclement weather too.

Don’t forget if you’re a season ticket holder (at Africa Alive, Dinosaur Adventure or Banham Zoo) to use your card not only to get reduced entry but on meals and shops too!

Africa Alive - Lions


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